Friday, July 2, 2010

My pack is truly a pack! Love Abounds in the White House

Well, actually it is the White-Powers house, a name, not a political agenda.

My heart was warmed last night to see that I truly had a pack -- ie, the three pups had actually packed with each other.

Pups can get along. Mine did. When I had rescues, they would. But it takes special chemistry and time to make a pack. To me, a pack is a group that actually cares about the welfare of each other, and tends to each other, and in human terms, loves each other. This is different than just getting along -- it is enjoying each others company.

Here's how I learned that I have a pack of three.

I pulled into the driveway shortly after midnight last night and I heard the "WHACK" from Ms Maddie Sue. This is unusual because the dogs do not bark when Gordon or I enter the house.
Perhaps I surprised her or woke her from a dream.

I opened the back door and did my "pssst" thing to gather them for their midnight potty break and out yawned Ruby, and out trotted Lexi and no Maddie Sue.

I went in and looked in her favorite places, whispering her name -- still no Maddie Sue. My heart did not sink fearing that she was again, the naked chihuahua on the loose and lam because luckily, I had heard her voice.

When I went back to the porch, Lex was doing her "come quick, Timmy's in the well" dance and lead me to the laundry room door. Upon opening it, out came Maddie Sue.

Lex was beside herself licking Maddie Sue's face and Ruby was doing the happy dance. Ruby's happy dance (which is rare since she is truly a slug) is to lift one front paw and wave it in the air, and then the other, and continue alternating front paws. It is a cute and funny and truly a happy dance -- with the frequent downside that when that giant front paw hits the ground, you don't want to be a small dog or a human foot to get stomped.

The three we so glad to be reunited - and this was my evidence that I had a loving pack.

Now you might ask the obvious: "why was Ms Maddie Sue in the laundry room?"

And the answer is: that it was a dark and stormy night, and after trying to crate her and having her continually rattle the crate, and trying to let her loose, and having her attempt to shred the sheets trying to crawl in bed, Gordon finally tucked her, her bed and blankie in the laundry room and bid her good night. It must have been a good plan because she was quiet until the one WHACK when I pulled in the driveway.

For once, it was a WHACK that I was overjoyed and relieved to hear since I knew she was safe, somewhere.

Approved by a wet Maddie Sue, banned from my chair, but laying on her fleece right by my feet, drying off from our walk in the rain. She needs goggles since she winks and blinks in the rain. She may be celebrating the 4 of July in the laundry room, but I think I will toss Lex in for company. Lex can sleep anywhere. Happy 4th to All Ya'alls.

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