Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Naked Chihuahua Streaks Again

I glanced out the window on this chilly day only to see my beloved, Gordon, crashing through the large mango tree and weaving, stooped over behind the deadened banana plants. This strange behavior posed two options:

a) that Gordon had lost his mind (a possibility living with me and the critters I bring home), or
b) that the Naked Chihuahua was once again on the lamb.

It was the latter.
She runs like a cross between a greyhound and a gazelle with wild passion in her eyes, tossing caution to the wind. Fortunately, it was a frosty day and Ms Maddie Sue has a knee jerk reaction to the word, "treat" -- which I shouted once I saw the chase in full throttle. And in she ran, delighted with herself. Followed by Gordon, who was not the least delighted in anything at that moment.

But peace returned to our abode.

During this chilly season, I put sweaters on the little pups, and Ruby wears what looks like a Kentucky Derby horse blanket. Two of the three love this warmth. Somehow the Naked Chihuahua, true to her name, can wiggle out of any sweater I dress her in and winds up in her birthday suit within hours of being dressed. Go figure.

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